BIO-BAND is a biological skin substitute

Bio-band dressing is more effective, in that it results in faster wound closure, with less discomfort or pain, during the period of treatment..Once BIO-BAND is applied on the wound, the patient is relieved of the pain , establishing an optimal physiologic environment( (eg.., gas exchange and ph balanced )and the wound is sealed from environmental contaminations., whereas The conventional wound treatment for prolonged periods is expensive and painful for the patient Moreover , it accelerates the healing process in a biological way and the process of dressing the wound with BIO BAND is simpler.
BIO BAND key structural element in the regeneration of tissues, BIO BAND is supporting to
Stabilize the wound ( by hemostats and controlling fluid loss )
Optimize the environment ( by formation of granulation bed )
Protect the wound against ( Chemical, thermal and bacterial ) superficial infection.
Pain relief for the patient.
Accelerating the healing process in a natural way ( prevents the air current to the wound site and further infection ) acting as a very Good MICROBIAL BARRIER.
BIO BAND is superior to other products in the following ways:
Transparency permits monitoring the wound without disturbing the healing process.
Single application is adequate for non-infected normal wounds, saving on costs.
Promotes Pain relief for the patient, while under treatment.
Promotes quicker healing of wounds in terms of time.
Very much like the skin, Bio Band is very good microbial carriers.
Facilitates Ease of application and removal.
Promotes in minimizing size of the scar and makes it almost invisible.
  All Skin Diseases
CARE WOUNDS would offer primary, secondary and tertiary care for self and physician referred patients to a raft of skin disorders and skin ageing condition.
Hair disorders
Nail diseases
Vitiligo –White patches
  All Urological Issues
We offer comprehensive urological care and have facilities to diagnose and treat congenial disorders diseases, urological cancers, incontinences, infertility, erectile dysfunction and other urinary problems
Urinary stones
Enlarged prostate
Kidney Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Urinary Bladder Cancer
Ureteric Stricture
EARECTILE Dysfunctions
Male Infertililty
Without any knifing, surgery, injection, stitches, gnawing pain and consumption of chemicals based medicines, side effects
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